Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Wall

I woke up at 3:30 this morning praying and thinking about one of our currently serving elders, Tom Wolthuis. He is coming under the care of hospice as, medically speaking, there is not more that can be done for his battle against cancer.

Earlier this fall, I performed the funeral services for two of our elders who were also actively serving. It has been a difficult year in the life of our congregation. As I think about Tom, I don't have good answers for what to say to this dear family who has been a part of this congregation for several generations. I am grateful that they are involved in serving the church. I am very grateful that they are in a small group, so I know that fantastic care is being extended to them. There are many things to be grateful for in the middle of this challenge.

But I must admit that whatever attack our enemy has been extending against our congregation and her leaders has only served to make me more urgent to share the gospel and call the church to prayer.

I would advise Centerpointers to be prepared and continue to invite people in your circle of influence to our new series called The Wall. In preparing for Sunday, I sense the Holy Spirit wants to say some strong, convicting words into the life of His church. This series will challenge us to consider "What's your wall?"

What wrecks you?

What issue causes a "holy unrest" within?

What ignites your passion to DO SOMETHING?

It might be sex trafficking, abortion, racism...

It might be children who need a mentor, creating a culture in your company of compassion, or coaching young moms how to raise Godly kids.

You do not want to go to your grave leaving undone what God is tapping you to do.

THE WALL....a 7 week series based on Nehemiah 1-6.


Jeff Porte is the Senior Pastor of Centerpoint Church in Kalamazoo, MI.  He is also a proud Dad of four pretty cool kids.

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